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Luzerne County Redevelopment Authority

Mission Statement

The Luzerne County Redevelopment Authority’s mission is to work with Luzerne County and its municipalities to assist in improving the quality of life and property for residents through eminent domain, the administration of grant programs, tax abatement programs, delinquent tax buyback programs, and the acquisition of the short.line railroad that serves Luzerne County, and a portion of Lackawanna County.

About Us

The Redevelopment Authority was established as an independent governmental agency under the Pennsylvania Urban Redevelopment Law by the Luzerne County Commissioners in 1962. Its purposes are to  reduce blight,  promote community viability,  and further economic opportunities in the County. Since its inception, the Authority has participated in numerous programs and initiatives to meet those objectives. It has undertaken or managed federal and state-financed urban renewal, housing, and infrastructure projects in the County. In response to natural disasters, most notably Hurricane Agnes in 1972 and more recently, Hurricane Lee in 2011, the Authority played a key role in administering government-funded programs for disaster relief and rebuilding efforts. It has encouraged economic growth through participation in local tax incentive programs to promote new residential and commercial development. As a result of acquisition of the short line railroad, the  former Pocono Northeast Railroad,, key businesses and jobs have been retained and expanded.
The Authority is governed by a five member board comprised of Luzerne County residents who serve in their non-paid positions under appointment by the Luzerne County Council. The Board meets monthly. The Authority is run by a small administrative staff. The Authority is self-sustaining through funds received for its management services. It receives no financial assistance from the county, state, or federal governments for its daily operations, nor does it levy any special assessments on County residents.